Inmate Programs
General Information
Inmate Programs operate within the Support Division of the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Detention Bureau.
A portion of the Inmate Programs Section is responsible for providing educational, religious, and therapy-oriented programs to the inmate population. Attendance in programs is voluntary and available to most inmates upon written request at no charge. The El Paso County Jail provides a multitude of programs to incarcerated inmates in an ongoing effort to give them the opportunity to earn an education and resolve personal growth issues. Below are just a few of the programs that are offered to our General Population inmates.
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
- VA Assistance through JBBS
- Law Library
- Book Cart Program
- Meditation
- Book Club
- Religious Programs: One-on-Ones, Protestant, Pentecostal, Catholic, Latter-Day Saints/Mormon, Victory Walk, Muslim, Jehovah's Witness, and more. Some religious programs are offered in English, Spanish or Sign Language.
It is through the dedication and commitment of our volunteers that inmates incarcerated in the El Paso County Jail are afforded the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of programs. These volunteers give generously of their time and expertise to meet the needs and expectations of the inmate population. Without their perpetual support, we would be unable to provide these valuable services to our inmate population. The Sheriff's Office is also very fortunate to have available to the inmates and staff a very dedicated Chaplain’s Corps. These men and women offer spiritual and emotional support to the inmate population. The mixture of many different religions and beliefs enhance the effectiveness and success of the Chaplain’s Corps.
The Programs Section supervises inmate mail, religious diets, law library attendance, program attendance, library services and court ordered compliance. There are two law libraries available at the jail for those inmates who are pro se or contemplating filing civil action. A variety of library books are available to the inmates for their reading pleasure. Books are donated to the facility by several religious organizations and through public donations.
The Sheriff's Office is committed to providing programs to the inmates that will benefit all who participate. The ultimate goal of our programs is to educate and instill positive lifestyle options to those inmates returning to the community. We believe inmates who are given the opportunity to better themselves will be less likely to re-offend and will return to the community as productive and law-abiding citizens.