Sheriff's Citizen Patrol

Sheriff's Citizen Patrol

General Information

In early 2009, the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office implemented a new volunteer program, the Sheriff’s Citizen Patrol (SCP).  The Sheriff’s Citizen Patrol is a citizen based program which allows residents of El Paso County the ability to volunteer within their community performing law enforcement related duties which do not require a sworn member.  This program allows volunteers to actively participate in a wide variety of opportunities which were historically unavailable to volunteers.

Some of these opportunities include:

  • Motorist Assist – Help stranded motorists.
  • Traffic Control – Assist at accident scenes, speed monitoring, reporting, etc.
  • Parking Complaints – Report and tag abandoned vehicles, assess parking violations.
  • Crime Prevention Assistance – Attend neighborhood watch group meetings, conduct vacation checks, update business information cards, etc.
  • Residential/Business Alarms – Distant observation and reporting from vehicle.
  • Towing – Assist deputies with impounding/inventorying abandoned vehicles.
  • Animal Complaints – Respond to calls of loose or abandoned animals, as well as animal neglect or abuse.
  • Vacation Checks - Perform checks of residential houses where the owner has asked for checks while away on vacation.

Those interested in the program must submit a completed volunteer application for the Sheriff’s Citizen Patrol program. These applicants must successfully complete a background process which is identical to those required of applicants who are applying to be Deputy Sheriffs. This is necessary because a member of the Sheriff’s Citizen Patrol holds a position in which public trust is paramount.

Minimum Requirements for the Sheriff’s Citizen Patrol Program Include:

  • 21 years of age or older and United States Citizenship
  • Possess a valid driver’s license
  • Pass a background investigation, Computer Stress Voice Analysis (CVSA) exam, a medical screening, and a drug screen
  • Pass a psychological examination
  • No prior felony conviction
  • Able to deal with sensitive information and maintain confidentiality

For those who successfully complete the application process, training is provided on the skills which will be necessary for the applicant to complete their duties safely while working as a Citizen Patrol Member. Topics include officer safety, law enforcement ethics, report writing, radio communications, speed monitoring, directing traffic, accident scene preservation, crime prevention, and much more.

To learn more about the Sheriff's Citizen Patrol download the tri-fold brochure located on the right.

For further information regarding the Sheriff’s Citizen Patrol please contact the Volunteer Program Coordinator at (719) 520-7216.

To download the Vacation Check Request Form click the resource on the right.

Contact Information
Hayley Suppes
(719) 520-7216

General Volunteer Application

If you are interested in volunteering for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, please complete this application and submit it to the Volunteer Program Coordinator.

Citizen Patrol Trifold

Download this trifold for more information on the Sheriff's Citizen Patrol.

Office of the Sheriff

27 East Vermijo Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
United States

719-520-7100 / 719-390-5555 (after hours)

El Paso County Jail

2739 East Las Vegas Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
United States
