Concealed Handgun Permit
We are scheduling CHP appointments after July 1, 2025. Any appointments scheduled after July 1, 2025 are subject to the new training requirements per HB24-1174.
New Applications
- Must attend an 8-hour Concealed Handgun Training Class taught by a firearms instructor verified by a Colorado Sheriff’s Office.
- Must have the original proof of training certificate dated within one year of application appointment date. Copies of certificates will NOT be accepted.
Renewal Applications
- Renewal applications RECEIVED on or after July 1, 2025, are subject to new training requirements – there is no grace period.
- Renewals must include the original proof of training certificate dated within 6 months of the renewal application receipt date. Copies of certificates will NOT be accepted.
- Expired permits have a 6-month grace period in which to renew, however those who renew after July 1, 2025 are still subject to the new training requirements per HB24-1174.
- Applications received after the 6-month grace period will not be processed and will be returned.
- Renewal applications may be submitted no more than 120 days prior to the expiration date. Renewal applications submitted prior to the 120 days before expiration date will be returned.
See CHP General Information for further instructions. A list of Instructors should be available on each county Sheriff's Office website.
CHP General Information
The El Paso County Sheriff's Office is pleased to provide you with the following information regarding the Concealed Handgun Permit Application process: information packet, application, required fees, procedures and guidelines. Our program complies with Colorado Revised Statutes 18-12-201 through 18-12-215.
An applicant must meet the following criteria:
- Be 21 years of age or older at the time of the application
- Be a resident of El Paso County (active military stationed in El Paso County qualify as residents with a Military ID and PCS Orders)
- Provide a valid Colorado Driver's License or Colorado ID or a Military ID and PCS orders
- Submit proof of required firearms training
- Successfully complete a background investigation
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm, closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal Holidays. In the event of inclement weather, please call 719-520-7249.
Please call 719-520-7249 to schedule an appointment. Please have your proof of training available for verification when calling to schedule your appointment.
- The completed unsigned two page application. If the application is not fully completed, it cannot be processed.
- Valid Colorado Drivers License or State ID with full legal name and current El Paso County address.
- $135.00 payable by CASH (exact change REQUIRED, the Sheriff's Office cannot make change), DEBIT/CREDIT CARD with 2.39% bank fee or $2.00 or whichever is greater, PERSONAL CHECK, MONEY ORDER, or CASHIER’S CHECK; non-cash payments are made payable to E.P.S.O. This includes the fee for the background, fingerprint check (CBI Cost) and the processing fee for the El Paso County Sheriff's Office.
- Proof of firearms training. *See below for firearms training requirements
Your initial appointment will take approximately 20 minutes. At that time, your application will be reviewed, a photo and signature will be obtained, fees will be collected, and your fingerprints will be taken.
Pursuant to C.R.S. 18-12-211 (1) (a) a permit may be renewed within 120 days prior to the expiration date.
Courtesy renewal reminder notices are typically mailed approximately 120 days prior to the permit expiration date. We will no longer include applications or return envelopes with the reminder. Please note that no permit will be renewed more than four months ahead of its expiration date, nor six months or more after its expiration date.
The following four items are required to renew your El Paso County Concealed Handgun Permit:
- Completed and signed RENEWAL application
- Proof of firearms training, completed within 6 months of application submittal (This is not required for permits both eligible to renew and received by June 30, 2025.)
- LEGIBLE copy (front and back) of your valid Colorado Driver’s License with your full legal name AND current El Paso County address
- A $63.00 PERSONAL CHECK, MONEY ORDER or CASHIER’s CHECK made payable to E.P.S.O.
- Cash payments will be accepted at the lobby desk (must be in the exact amount)
- If you wish to pay by credit card, you must call to schedule an appointment, 719-520-7119
Please return the above listed items by mail or in person to:
El Paso County Sheriff's Office
Attn: CHP
27 E. Vermijo Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
- The renewal process can take up to 90 days to complete. Concealed Handgun Permits will be mailed to your listed El Paso County address.
OUT OF COUNTY RENEWALS (Renewing from another Colorado County)
This section applies to renewals for people living in El Paso County with permits issued from another county. If you have an El Paso County Concealed Handgun permit and live in another county, please renew with the county you now reside in.
All Out of County Renewals will require an in-person appointment. Please contact us at 719-520-7119 to schedule an appointment to renew in El Paso County.
You will need the following documents:
- Completed, signed CHP application.
- Proof of firearms training – completed within 6 months of application submittal
- Front and back color copy of your valid Colorado Driver’s
License with your full legal name and current El Paso County address. - Front and back color copy of your current county’s Concealed Handgun Permit.
- A $63.00 personal check, money order, or cashier's check made payable to E.P.S.O.
If you no longer reside in El Paso County when it comes time to renew your Concealed Handgun Permit, you will need to contact the county in which you live to renew your permit.
Firearms Training Requirements for NEW Applicants
The applicant demonstrates competence with a handgun by submitting any of the following:
- A training certificate from a handgun training class obtained within one-year preceding submittal of the application. The applicant shall submit the original training certificate that includes the original signature of the class instructor. To the extent permitted by section 18-12-202 (5), in obtaining a training certificate from a handgun training class, the applicant shall have discretion in selecting which handgun training class to complete. Online courses and Hunters Education certificates are not acceptable.
- Evidence of experience with a firearm through participation in organized shooting competitions, current military service or current certification as a peace officer pursuant to article 2.5 of title 16;
- Proof of honorable discharge from a branch of the United States Armed Forces within the three years preceding submittal of the application;
- Proof of honorable discharge from a branch of the United States Armed Forces that reflects pistol qualifications obtained within the ten years preceding submittal of the application;
- Evidence that, at the time the application is submitted, the applicant is a certified instructor;
- A certificate showing retirement from a Colorado law enforcement agency that reflects pistol qualifications obtained within the ten years preceding submittal of the application;
Firearms Training Requirements for RENEWAL Applicants
The applicant demonstrates competence with a handgun by submitting any of the following:
- A training certificate from a refresher handgun training class obtained within the six-months preceding submittal of the application. The applicant shall submit the original training certificate that includes the original signature of the class instructor. To the extent permitted by section 18-12-202 (5), in obtaining a training certificate from a refresher handgun training class, the applicant shall have discretion in selecting which handgun training class to complete.
- Evidence of experience with a firearm through participation in organized shooting competitions, current military service or current certification as a peace officer pursuant to article 2.5 of title 16;
- Proof of honorable discharge from a branch of the United States Armed Forces that reflects pistol qualifications obtained within the ten years preceding submittal of the application;
- Evidence that, at the time the application is submitted, the applicant is a certified instructor;
- A certificate showing retirement from a Colorado law enforcement agency that reflects pistol qualifications obtained within the ten years preceding submittal of the application;
HB24-1174 Verified CHP Firearms Instructor Program
The El Paso County Sheriff's Office is pleased to provide you with the following information regarding our Verified Firearms Instructor Program: information packet, application, procedures and guidelines. Our program complies with HB24-1174 and Colorado Revised Statutes 18-12-201 through 18-12-207.
Verified CHP Firearms Instructor General Information
Effective July 1, 2025, all firearms training certificates submitted for a Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) must be completed through an instructor verified by a Colorado county sheriff’s office. To be verified by the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, instructors must meet the following criteria:
- Valid Colorado Driver’s License or ID
- Valid Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit
- Proof you are a certified firearms instructor, such as an NRA instructor certificate or Colorado POST instructor certificate
- Class training location must be within El Paso County
- Concealed Handgun Training class syllabus
- Completed, signed Verified CHP Firearms Instructor Application
Sheriff Roybal has chosen to waive all fees for this program.
Upon approval, you will receive a Certificate of Verification and your information will be added to our public list of Verified Instructors. This verification process will be valid for 10 years, provided the instructor’s proof of firearms training certification remains valid. To that end, the expiration date which appears on your Certificate of Verification will match the expiration date of the submitted proof of firearms instructor certification. When updated firearms certification is received, the instructor will receive an updated Certificate of Verification.
Please note, during this 10-year verification period, it is the responsibility of the instructor to inform the CHP Unit of firearms instructor certification renewals. Failure to do so will result in removal from the public list of Verified Instructors. There is no grace period for expired instructor certifications.
If you reside in El Paso County and do not have a CHP permit, please contact (719) 520-7249 to schedule an appointment.
Additionally, if the instructor’s principal place of business changes location, please notify the CHP Unit within 30 days of your new business address.
For detailed instructions on how to apply, please see the Verified CHP Firearms Instructor Information Packet.