Response Mental Health Clinician
Sheriff Joseph Roybal Lifts Fire Restrictions for El Paso County
El Paso County Sheriff and Fire Warden Joseph Roybal issued the following statement, rescinding Stage I Fire Restrictions for all unincorporated areas of El Paso County:
Celebrating National Night Out in 2024
During the week of August 3to August 9, 2024, law enforcement partners nationwide participate in National Night Out.
Verified CHP Firearms Instructor List
Verified Firearms Instructor Information Packet
Verified Firearms Instructor Application
Verified Firearms Instructor Application
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Sheriff Roybal Continues Stage I Fire Restrictions for El Paso County
El Paso County Sheriff Joseph Roybal, Fire Warden, issued the following statement after implementing Stage I Fire Restrictions for all unincorporated areas of El Paso County last week:
Deputies Intercept Two Drug Smuggling Attempts into the Jail
On July 23, 2024, Samantha Peterson was booked into the El Paso County Jail on multiple traffic charges and an outstanding warrant. Ms. Peterson was offered the opportunity to surrender any contraband under Sheriff Roybal's Contraband Reduction Drug Amnesty Program, which she declined.